I'm on a professional trip and it has allowed me a little time to breathe, and blog. Since the last entry the following things have happened:
1. Endrias has learned to read, write and do arithmetic. He's going to graduate from Kindergarten next week. We are so proud of him. Not quite a year ago, we brought them home and they didn't have a word of English and now he's reading and writing it. We're not sure, but it's likely that he's the first in his family (Ethiopian) to ever be literate. What a marvel!
2. Betti has learned to rollerskate. She is now speaking English like an average 4 year old. Our favorite story of Betti recently occured a night several weeks ago after she had already gone to bed. We had some late guests and ordered pizza. The pizza delivery guy was very quiet, but Betti smelled the pizza and was begging her daddy to get out of bed and have some. Leigh said to her, "Betti you already had dinner, you don't need any more food. No pizza . Do you want to be a pretty princess or a fat girl."
Betti: "I (sob) want (sob) to be (sob) a fat girl!"
She stilll didn't get any pizza.
3. Anneliese keeps growing. She is off the charts for height and in 12 month size clothes though she is only 7 months. She's more beautiful than ever. She's eating solid foods, drinking from a sippy cup, rolling, sitting and almost crawling! Still not sleeping through the night...