Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Moving along

As we get more settled in, we have a little more time to breathe and thus, a blog post.  Since the last posting, my parents have relocated to Jacksonville and are settling in to a nice apartment complex across the streee from our community, and they are really enjoying it.  Leigh's folks, Dick and Cherry Lommen, just finished a whirlwind trip to see us where they helped us with our house with everything from changing light fixtures to hanging paintings.  It was a HUGE help.  They did in a couple of days, what would take Leigh and I a couple of months.

The kids have started school (photo attached) and are doing well, becoming more comfortable with the language, with us, with their environment every day.  They have also cultivated a real love of the ocean and of boating and surfing and they are great swimmers and going to the beach is one of our favorite family activities.

I am getting increasingly larger, now waddling, with just 5 weeks to go until my due date.  Soon our two ring circus will officially become a three ring circus. Viva Lommenpalooza!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure you're no where as big as I have been with pregnancies. Take heart, it will all be over soon and with your family's metabolism you'll be back to prepregnancy size in no time! Also keeping up with your other two will help. :)

