Thursday, June 23, 2011

Coming home photos

I have a few moments with Endrias playing quietly and Bethel asleep, so I'll try to post a few more pictures.  The kids are doing great.  Every day they speak more in English and certainly understand more and the frustration between all parties with the language barrier lessens.  We're getting used to the routine that works for all of us which involves no nap for Endrias (because he's up too late otherwise) and late afternoon nap for Bethel.  The kids have been to the pediatrician's office where they each received five immunizations at once (tough day for all of us), to the lab to get their blood drawn and to the dentist office.  They don't know yet that Mommy is a doctor, but when they learn about that, I think they'll like me less.

They love to go to the park and to play outside, so it's great that they came in the Summer. They've been to the library, to the store, out to eat and they do love all of that.  The first thing Endrias wants to do every morning is "Mommy, machina!"  which means "Mom, let's go somewhere in the car!"  If it's raining, I still go in the car and park near one of Rochester's many construction sites so they can watch the heavy equipment and the workers which they love.  Every couple of seconds one of them says "Mommy!  Ooooh!"

Endrias has learned how to use a camera and so has been taking lots of pictures with an old camera of mine.  Some of them are really good!  I'll download some of those as soon as we locate the camera again...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The problem with blogging.

I know many of you are anxious to see new and more pictures of the kids and hear how it's going.  The problem is that we're so busy with taking care of them that we have little time to tell everyone how it's going and upload photos.  I will do as time allows.  Essentially, the kids are great.  They are loving, generally happy, eating well and potty trained.  Once they are asleep they stay asleep, but getting them to go to sleep has been a challenge: they are jet lagged, in new surroundings with new beds and their own rooms.  That's getting better every day, but it has left Leigh and I pretty tired.

They are learning the language with Endrias having about 100 word vocabulary and Bethel about 20 words.  They speak to each other in fluent and long conversations in their native tongue, so I know it's just a matter of time before they switch over. 

They are both very sweet kids.  Endrias is very inquisitive, athletic, smart and active.  Bethel is sweet and cuddly and loves all things girlish.

Our hearts burst with love for them and we are so glad to have them home.  Our lives our changed and we are so much richer for their presence. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bringing them home.

Going away ceremony at Care Center in Addis Ababa.  Bethelihem (left) and Endrias (right) with Leigh and Grandma Cherry.  Kids are in traditional Ethiopian outfits for the ceremony.

Bethelihem and Endrias looking out the window at the Lucy Land guest house after Leigh had taken custody.

Leigh at the U.S. Embassy for the visa interview for the kids.  This was the last step of the long legal process (a process that started in May 2010).

Leigh with the kids at the Care Center where they have been the last 6 weeks, waiting for us to bring them home.

Endrias and Bethelihem with some of their nannies at the Care Center.

Above you'll see pictures from the trip to Ethiopia to bring the kids home.  Overall, the trip went really well with minimal hiccups and no illnesses.  The trip was a great bonding experience for Leigh with the kids.  Grandma Cherry found it a life-changing experience.  Both were touched by the love shown for our kids by all those involved.  They have given us two very loving, affectionate, beautiful kids whose smile just breaks the heart.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pictures at last.

Leigh, his mother Cherry, Endrias and Bethelihem walked through the doors and into our lives at 12:45 today.  The kids were great on the trip with only minor meltdowns and, after having been in transit for 26 hours, got into the car, strapped into their car seats (a totally foreign concept) and rode the hour and a half drive without incident.  We introduced them to their new surroundings, let them play about an hour, gave them a bath and put them to bed (which took about an hour of dedicated time for each of them).  They did all that with very little resistance, especially given that we don't speak the same language.  They are very happy kids and very affectionate, and as you can see, adorable.  We don't have pictures of the homecoming yet as they were taken with Cherry's camera.  We'll try to load new pictures in the coming days.  For now just peace and rest.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)

Tomorrow at noon I'll meet Leigh, Endrias and Bethelihem at the airport in Minneapolis after their 24 hour trip.  I've tried to make everything ready in their rooms, in the house in my heart.  So what shall I do this last night alone?  I've eaten a nice dinner, I'm watching my favorite show on TV and then I'm going to go to bed early and get up late.  And tomorrow will be the start of our new world.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Message from Grandma Cherry

This is a message I had in my inbox this morning from Grandma Cherry (Leigh's mom) about her experience so far with the kids in their Care Center as they are waiting to take custody on Monday:

WOW!!!  What an incredible experience!!

When I saw the children walk in the room at the care center, I was overcome with emotion!  Endrias hugged me so long and hard, it was really heart warming.  Leigh held Bethel and she hugged him for so long as well!

There were immediate smiles from both of them.  They were fascinated with the small flashlights that I brought.  They loved trying on my glasses and sunglasses. They love my little retractable tape measure as I measured their sizes.  Endrias ended up measuring everything in the room! They took my pens and scribbled...Endrias was able to print his name with a little help.  He is a very smart boy!!!

The care center said he is so special.  He plays so well with other children as well as watches over his sister.  You could see their incredible interaction.  He is so disciplined.  He goes and washes his hands without being told, pushes his chair in...he's mature way beyond his years.

We were there during lunch.  They both ate very well.  Endrias cleaned his plate and Bethel did quite well, but it took her a loooong time!
Later, I brought out snacks.  They enjoyed the animal crackers, but the biggest his was the "confetti marsh mellows" 
they are about one inch long.  the kids loved them and then Leigh put some in his mouth like they were teeth.  The kids laughed so hard!!!  Dawn, I think you have three children coming home, not two!!

We are shopping this morning and then we spend the afternoon with the kids.  Tomorrow, we bring them back to the Jamimah House, now renamed Lucy Land House.  I brought lots of crafts to keep them busy for the next four days!

They are incredible kids full of love and promise.  They will be special gifts to all of us.

Thank you so much, Dawn for allowing me to come.  It has been one of the highlights of my life!!  I love them so much already!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

On the way...

Leigh and his mom Cherry are now in Ethiopia.  Dawn had to stay home and keep the home fires burning.  This way one of us will be totally refreshed when the kids come home and the kids and Leigh are exhausted.  The visa interview is on Monday, June 6, they should get the visas on June 8 and then everyone gets on the plane for the long trip home on June 9.  They'll arrive in Minneapolis on June 10 at noon.  Finally, finally, they're on their way home.
