Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beautiful Anneliese

I know I'm biased, but Anneliese has got to be one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen.  As my sister would say, she was born beautiful.  Not only does she have a lovely exterior, she is a very warm and happy baby.  She gives us such an easy time no matter what mayhem is swirling around her.  We chose her name because of her Norwegian heritage and because its meaning is "god's bounty."  We just couldn't describe her better than that: an unexpected and undeserved bountiful gift.

My mother, my teacher

My mother is a woman of few regrets, but one regret she has voiced to me is that she wishes she would have gone to college to become a kindergarten teacher.  I'm sure she would have been great at that, but I'm so thankful that I got to keep her all to myself.  She has taught me the smallest and largest lessons in life.  If I am anything good in this world it's because of my patient and loving teacher, my mother. Here she is on grandparents' day with my son Endrias, teaching him too.
